Find information regarding Arc Sportswear including store details and delivery info, as well as customer FAQ’s.
Once payment has been received and the goods are ready, you will receive an email when your order is dispatched to be delivered by Citi-Sprint Courier. Allow 3 working days.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase you may return it within 60 (sixty) calendar days for a full refund, replacement or exchange, provided that:
- The item is in its original packaging
- You have the original Tax Invoice
- The item(s) have not been worn
For personal hygiene reasons socks and pantyhose cannot be returned, except where stitching is defective.
Customers are responsible for courier costs for any returns / exchange of item ordered
Payfast – Visa and Mastercard ( we do not accept American Express, Diner’s or Foreign cards)InstantEFT
Yes. Please email exactly what you would like to order, but please check availability of items on the Online Shop to shop@arcsportswear.co.za. We will send an invoice and banking details for payment. Email POP and your order will be dispatched
Please email shop@arcsportswear.co.za with your request and you will be notified as to when the item will be available.